Thursday, June 23, 2011

Should I go for coaching or self preparation

This question often comes for those starting now or for those who got no time at hand and in need of some instant fix.
what you get through coaching?
Material of the coaching centre
Attending classes and interact with other students & faculty
Need to spend around 6 hrs daily attending classes
possibility of practising mock tests if they conduct any such
Finally all this costs around 5000 ( only coaching fee depending on institute) without including hostel/living ,travel and food expenses.
Most institutes takes 1 to 3 months to teach syllabus depending on fast track or regular batches.So in total it costs atleast 10000 to 15000.
What you get by self preparation?
Remember Group II is a objective test, not descriptive.
You read the syllabus,collect the books and prepare your material
Better concentration on exam as you dont get diverted by pep talk of your collegues
It doesn’t cost you more than 3000 with all material included and no travel and living expenses as you prepare from your home/office.
You can practise the mock tests by going through previous papers, fortnighly magazines,newspapers once your preparation is finished.
So if you want control on the material preparation (yes you can do it in 3 to 4 months and you learn along the way as well!)and your costs better prepare self.If you don’t have time or you you lack the will to prepare on your own and can afford the costs go for coaching.Most people realise that they don’t need coaching and curse themselves after they took coaching!!.I prefer to prepare self than go for coaching as this is an objective test and most importantly the current affairs aspects need to be handled by you and not the institute. Crash courses are disastrous on your psyche as they dump lot of information in short period, but regular coaching can enforce some discipline and regularize your studies.

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